Thursday, December 1, 2011

Moving Already?!

After attempting to work with Blogger templates and software, I've switched to Wordpress it just feels more user-friendly for me. To read more Hurry Home Food posts please go to See you there!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In the Beginning...

In the Beginning there was white sugar, which was bad, and there was white flour, which was bad, and there was my blood-sugar crashing in the middle of my workout, which was very, very, bad. So I said good-bye to white sugar, and to white flour (mostly), and to blood-sugar crashes mid-workout and this was very good - but I missed brownies, and cookies, and crackers, and bread. Thus began a quest for homemade goodness that would keep my blood-sugar stable and my taste buds happy. Becoming vegetarian has created more opportunities for recipe exploration as well. All this with a family to keep happy. Here are some of our home cooking adventures... and possibly an occasional food-related rant.